Denver Broncos or Carolina Panthers?

Which team do you want to win?

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I live in Colorado and I kind of want the Broncos to lose. I understand team spirit and hyping yourselves up, but it's gotten to a rather unsettling level over here, to the point where they're talking about the game as if it's already over, and Panthers fans are insulted and shown quite a lot of hostility. I think it'd be nice if the Broncos lose, just to give certain people a slice of humble pie.

Not that I want the Broncos to be stomped, I want a close game. Maybe the Panthers to just barely take it, in the 4th quarter with a few minutes left on the clock, and block the Broncos with stalwart defense.

So I guess I don't really have a favorite team in this game, but I'd appreciate a close game where the Broncos lose.
Well, as a bystander with no interest in football, I'm just kinda going with Panthers. It's kind of interesting to see the INSANELY DENSE hype people have over here in NC! Plus we don't really have too much ill will toward the Broncos (from what I've seen), which is nice.
I have a hard time picking one or the other. I give a slight edge to the Broncos just because it may be the quarterback's last game.
I'm that kind of person who doesn't really care who wins. But, I would have to say Carolina because of the way they dominated their last two games. They deserve to win.
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