HandsomeSquirrel's AMA


Eater of Worlds
Ask me anything that's not: uncomfortable, too personal, or violating community guidelines.
And don't say mean things about animals.

Ask away!

EDIT: If you want to ask my OCs questions too, their text colors and names are in my signature!
(But don't ask them too many questions; it's really tricky coming up with character lore on the spot!)
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When will you become president?
If you're talking about the USA, I hope never. If you mean a president in general, like a leader of an organized group or something, I dunno.
also why is your outline grren.
the outside of a watermelon is green

Favorite dungeon color? (Pink, Blue, or Green)

Noting u will prob agree there should be a squirl boss as a joke
It would be cool if there was a granite biome miniboss: the granite golem squirrel!
Have you seen any anime
Yep! The most recent one I watched was Ranking of Kings; it was great!

how silly are you
When I'm not experiencing social anxiety: very.
I love sharing jokes and memes; spreading smiles and laughter brings me great joy. Although, I can have a bit of a unique sense of humor at times. I enjoy confusing people. (As long as they don't feel too uncomfortable or frustrated because of it that is.)
Yep! The most recent one I watched was Ranking of Kings; it was great!

When I'm not experiencing social anxiety: very.
I love sharing jokes and memes; spreading smiles and laughter brings me great joy. Although, I can have a bit of a unique sense of humor at times. I enjoy confusing people. (As long as they don't feel too uncomfortable or frustrated because of it that is.)
How many have you seen
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