Language Pack Help With en-US.json Formatting


(Apologies if I mess up on this, I just made my account today to make this post)
I'm trying to make a resource pack that replaces the Zoologist NPC. So far I've gotten the visuals to work, but the text replacement element hasn't been as smooth. I think it's probably a formatting error on my part, but after a couple of hours I still haven't been able to fix it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

I'll send my .json as well as a picture of the directory to give better context to my issue


  • 1682191666227.png
    5.8 KB · Views: 34
  • en-US.json
    4.7 KB · Views: 45
I think your issue was an extra comma on line 69 - try this version with it removed:
    "BestiaryGirlNames": {
        "Name_1": "Tadano",
        "Name_2": "Tadano",
        "Name_3": "Tadano",
        "Name_4": "Tadano",
        "Name_5": "Tadano",
        "Name_6": "Tadano",
        "Name_7": "Tadano",
        "Name_8": "Tadano",
        "Name_9": "Tadano",
        "Name_10": "Tadano",
        "Name_11": "Tadano",
        "Name_12": "Tadano",
        "Name_13": "Tadano",
        "Name_14": "Tadano",
        "Name_15": "Tadano",
        "Name_16": "Tadano",
        "Name_17": "Tadano",
        "Name_18": "Tadano",
        "Name_19": "Tadano",
        "Name_20": "Tadano",
        "Name_21": "Tadano"
    "BestiaryGirlChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "There are many items in this sector that can summon demons just like my Demonica... Fascinating.",
        "Chatter_2": "{?Eclipse}I've never seen a moon phase like this before. Perhaps it's unique to this Sector.",
        "Chatter_3": "The pixies in this sector seem different from the ones I'm familiar with.",
        "Chatter_4": "Don't get too complacent with demon summoning. I've seen what they can do in the wrong hands.",
        "Chatter_5": "Nice to me-heet you, ho!",
        "Chatter_6": "This sector's atmosphere is inhabitable without a Demonica. I keep it on because it's fashionable.",
        "Chatter_7": "Be on the lookout for a Doppelganger. It looks just like me.",
        "Chatter_8": "If you have a Demonica of your own, we might be able to establish long distance communication.",
        "Chatter_9": "I wonder how Jiminez is doing... He was a good soldier.",
        "Chatter_10": "The demons increase in strength with the moon phases. It's important to keep this in mind when fighting them.",
        "Chatter_11": "It's quite the relief to find other humans in the Schwarzwelt."
    "BestiaryGirlLycantropeChatter": {
        "Chatter_1": "The Full Moon's begun. Time to suit up!",
        "Chatter_2": "The demons lose sense under light of a Full Moon. Tonight will be dangerous."
    "BestiaryGirlSpecialText": {
        "Party": "I'd rather not risk ruining my hair with a party hat.",
        "Graveyard1": "Is this thick fog the work of a demon?",
        "Graveyard2": "You need to do some upkeep around the outpost. It's beggining to resemble Sector D.",
        "Windy1": "This breeze doesn't hold a candle to a Garu spell.",
        "Windy2": "Make sure to bring Wind-resistant armor.",
        "Storm1": "Is somebody casting Zio out there?",
        "Storm2": "Let's hope your demons aren't weak to electricity.",
        "Rain1": "I've learned to appreciate the little things.",
        "Rain2": "The pitter patter of the rain is quite soothing."
    "TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirl": {
        "Content": "My vital signs appear to be normal.",
        "NoHome": "I request deployment, Commander!",
        "FarFromHome": "I may have ventured too far from the outpost.",
        "DislikeCrowded": "I don't think even I could command this many soldiers in one place.",
        "HateCrowded": "I find it unwise to deploy so many troops in one Sector.",
        "LoveSpace": "This ship's personal quarters bode quite well.",
        "LikeBiome": "{BiomeName} reminds me of simpler times before my conscription.",
        "LoveBiome": "{BiomeName} reminds me of simpler times before my conscription.",
        "DislikeBiome": "This {BiomeName} Sector is quite uncomfortable.",
        "HateBiome": "This {BiomeName} Sector brings back awful memories of the Ouroborus...",
        "LikeNPC": "I'm glad to have a happy-go-lucky soldier like {NPCName} around to brighten up such a grim situation.",
        "LoveNPC": "{NPCName} is quite knowledgeable on using a Demonica.",
        "DislikeNPC": "{NPCName} is too young for the battlefield.",
        "HateNPC": "{NPCName}'s civilian arsenal will prove inefficient in an actual battle.",
        "LikeNPC_Princess": "{NPCName} has proven a useful commander."
    "TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed": {
    "Content": "My vital signs appear to be normal.",
    "NoHome": "I request deployment, Commander!",
    "FarFromHome": "I may have ventured too far from the outpost.",
    "DislikeCrowded": "I don't think even I could command this many soldiers in one place.",
    "HateCrowded": "I find it unwise to deploy so many troops in one Sector.",
    "LoveSpace": "This ship's personal quarters bode quite well.",
    "LikeBiome": "{BiomeName} reminds me of simpler times before my conscription.",
    "LoveBiome": "{BiomeName} reminds me of simpler times before my conscription.",
    "DislikeBiome": "This {BiomeName} Sector is quite uncomfortable.",
    "HateBiome": "This {BiomeName} Sector brings back awful memories of the Ouroborus...",
    "LikeNPC": "I'm glad to have a happy-go-lucky soldier like {NPCName} around to brighten up such a grim situation.",
    "LoveNPC": "{NPCName} is quite knowledgeable on using a Demonica.",
    "DislikeNPC": "{NPCName} is too young for the battlefield.",
    "HateNPC": "{NPCName}'s civilian arsenal will prove inefficient in an actual battle.",
    "LikeNPC_Princess": "{NPCName} has proven a useful commander."
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