Mobile I'm looking for a perfect corrupted large world seed need help!!!!!


I've beaten terraria on my phone several times and I just want to find a large world corrupted seed for a more permanent world to collect stuff and build a lot of stuff as well, but I can't find a good one at all. Every world I've generated has had messed up terrain generation, and corruption that was either too close to spawn or there was too much of it. I came here to see if there was any way I could find a seed that had an almost perfect layout, by that i mean no bugged out terrain generation, corruption that's on one side of the world, and a underwater beach cavern with water-walking boots. Most importantly I want a very balanced biome layout, one of each biome that aren't completely garbled together or anything, if that makes sense.
As far as I know, there's no good way to be picky about the way a world generates or what generates in that world, but there might be some way to do it that's why I'm asking here.
Thank you.
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