Standalone Inventory Enhancements (Sorting, Auto Trashing, Even Quicker Stacking, and More!)


Official Terrarian
Hello Terrarians! Have you ever thought your inventory had too much junk in it? Or your chests? Have you ever wanted to SORT your inventory by name, or id, or even type? Have you ever thought "Gee, i wish there was a way to automatically trash all of this stuff like dirt that ill never want"? Well you're in luck. I've got just the mod for you.

  • Sort your inventory just how you want it. It will sort items by their type (Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon, Potion, etc) in whatever order you choose. The default key is Z.
  • Allow auto-trashing when you sort, or even whenever you pick up an item, if you so choose. You can specify what items the mod will do this with and then you will never have to worry about those items again(Unless you remove them from the list of course). (Enable automatic trashing with Shift + Z, disable the same way)
  • Quicker stacking - Allows you to quick stack by simply hitting the hotkey (C by default). If you aren't in a chest it does quick stack to all nearby chests.
  • Hotbar Swapping - With the touch of a button(X by default) you can easily swap the top row of your hotbar with the bottom row of your inventory. An option in the config allows you to cycle your hotbars instead, if you please. (Top hotbar goes to bottom row of the inventory, the rest of the rows go up by 1 row. Essentially giving you 5 easy to use hotbars.).
  • Quick Buff from chests by simply hitting whatever key you have bound to quick buff while in a chest. It will use potions in the chest before potions in your inventory.
  • Cycle your ammo slots with a key press. This will send each ammo slot down by one and the bottom one will go to the top. The default key is V.
  • Easy to manage configuration - The mod saves your sorting orders and other config in 2 files in your Documents/My Games/Terraria folder (IE Config.json, and Sorting Order.json), that you can very easily edit, or you can use the included application which can be launched in game(Left alt + o) to manage everything with a very easy to understand ui. No matter how you do it, the configuration can be reloaded on-the-fly by hitting left-shift and o.
  • An optional version for TerrariaPatcher is avaliable, if you use that. It will not always be up to date, as porting can take a little bit of time.
  • Search nearby chests for items, and take them without having to open a chest. Many many thanks to Kieran Menor!
  • Swap your vanity with your equipped armor and equipment with the click of a button. Useful if you run 2 loadouts by having one in vanity and swapping them from time to time.
  1. Go to your Terraria directory (In steam right click terraria, hit properties, go to the "Local Files" tab, and click "Browse local files...")
  2. Rename Terraria.exe to backup.exe
  3. Copy the Terraria.exe and Configurator.exe from inside of the zip file downloaded below, then youre done :). Have fun with a nice clean customizable inventory.
  1. Go to your Terraria directory (In steam right click Terraria, hit properties, go to the "Local Files" tab, and click "Browse local files...")
  2. Copy Configurator.exe (if you downloaded it) into this folder.
  3. Copy the "InventoryEnhancements" folder to the Plugins folder



After sorting potions chest:

Chest searching:


NOTE: This is not 100% done, but more like 95. All thats left is to fix any bugs found and to finish adding the games items to sorting sets. Also, chest searching in servers can be a bit wonky, please ignore that. Its wip.

Favorited items will not be sorted nor quick trashed.

Thanks to Kieran Menor for the chest searching code!

To Do:
-Finish adding items to specific sorting lists, all of the main items are done.

Please tell me about any issues/bugs you encounter

  • Sort Inventory/Chest - Z by default, can be changed
  • Toggle autotrash - Left shift + Sort hotkey
  • Swap/Cycle hotbar - X by default, can be changed
  • Quick stack - C by default, can be changed
  • Cycle ammo - V by default, can be changed
  • Manually reload config - Left Shift + O
  • Open configurator (If installed) - Left Alt + O

Inventory Enhancements :
1.0.0 - Released.
1.0.1 - Fixed trashing when sorting not working.
1.0.2 - Fixed a minor bug introduced by the last bug fix. (Trashing would happen after sorting, leaving blank spaces in your inv)
1.0.3 - Added NetMessages (Which i totally forgot to add!) Sorry if you tried to sort a chest on a server and came back and it was unsorted again
1.0.4 - Statues now sort together. The hotkeys to sort/swap hotbars/etc will no longer be checked for unless you're in game. (Who wants to sort the main menu..?)
1.0.5 - Changed automatic trashing to occur whenever you pick up an item, rather than checking every frame to see if your player has any of the specified items.
1.0.6 - Fixed derp(i hope)
1.0.7 - Added the ability to customize the Sort, Quick stack, and Hotbar swapping keys via config (Or configurator). Rewrote loading to fix future conflicts when new properties are added, so you shouldnt ever have to delete your config when updating. - Autotrash now works on servers (But instead of deleting it on pickup, it instead has to just check every frame for those specified items and remove them. Shouldn't affect performance though.) - Fixed potential bug where Autotrash could trash ANY items picked up by any player when hosting via host and play (Sorry about that if that happened). - Fixed json serialization issues, changed some setting names in the json. You might have to re-configure a few settings.
1.0.8 - Fixed waterfalls not animating. - Fixed crash when sorting either bank when on a server. Fixed hotkeys not working. Improved the json serialization. - Fixed locked chests not unlocking.
1.0.9 - You can now use the quickbuff hotkey while in a chest to buff using potions in that chest and your inv.
1.1.0 - Added a couple more configurable sorting sets, you can now disable chest sorting. You can also disable sorting, hotbar swapping, or quick stacking if you so choose.
1.1.1 - You can now search chests and take items from them if you choose. You can now sort sets by value. Fixed crafting issue. Fixed issue when sorting with blank inv. Updated to terraria
1.1.2 - Fixed an internal issue.
1.1.3 - Fixed sorting banks on servers.
1.1.4 - Added a button for sorting. Added the ability to swap your vanity equipment and armor with your equipped. - Added a couple more sorting sets(Thanks to Kieran Menor for the blocks set). Fixed some issues. - Merged apparel sorting sets into one. Added ammo cycling. Fixed some issues. Improved modularity code wise. - Fixed numerous issues. Now theres an option to reverse the ammo cycling feature. (so ammo goes upwards instead of down) - You can now disable any of the 3 added buttons (Disabling the chest search button just disables the chest search feature) - Testing update to Terraria v1.3.0.7.

Configurator :
1.0.0 - Released.
1.0.1 - Reduced size.
1.0.2 - You can no longer hit "Save" by accident and save an empty config, as it now requires you to have loaded a file first. Now the add menu for the trash displays the id, and properly adds items that have the same name (Prior, if multiple items had the same name, they would all add as the same id, that no longer happens.)
1.0.3 - Updated to display what was added in IE v1.0.7. Now uses the same loading methods as Inventory Enhancements, to help with any issues (or invalid config) - Fixed json serialization issues, changed some setting names in the json. You might have to re-configure a few settings. Trash list can no longer contain 2 or more of the same item in it.
1.0.4 - Fixed the hotkeys menu (It wasn't saving the text boxes into the right values, which is probably the cause of some issues). - Hitting view with no sorting set selected no longer crashes the configurator.
1.0.5 - Updated to display values added in IE v1.1.0, rearranged some of the UI. - Fixed sort chest toggle not saving. Added value added in IE v1.1.1. - Updated to match additions in IE v1.1.4.1. - Updated to match additions in IE v1.1.4.2. - Now matches IE v1.1.4.3. - Updated to match IE v1.1.4.4.

TerrariaPatcher: - Released
1.0.9 - Updated to match IE v1.0.9
1.1.0 - Updated to match IE v1.1.0 - Updated to match IE v1.1.4.1 - Updated to match IE v1.1.4.3


  • Inventory Enhancements (TP)
    20.4 KB · Views: 5,190
  • Inventory Enhancements
    1.8 MB · Views: 6,280
  • Configurator
    475.3 KB · Views: 6,875
  • Inventory Enhancements v1.1.4.5 (Test).zip
    1.8 MB · Views: 4,206
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Hello Terrarians! Have you ever thought your inventory had too much junk in it? Or your chests? Have you ever wanted to SORT your inventory by name, or id, or even type? Have you ever thought "Gee, i wish there was a way to automatically trash all of this stuff like dirt that ill never want"? Well you're in luck. I've got just the mod for you.

-Sort your inventory just how you want it. It will sort items by their type (Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon, Potion, etc) in whatever order you choose. The key for this is Z.
-Allow auto-trashing when you sort, or even at all times. You can specify what items the mod will do this with and then you will never have to worry about those items again(Unless you remove them from the list of course). (Enable automatic trashing with Shift + Z, disable the same way)
-Quicker stacking - Allows you to quick stack by simply hitting C. If you aren't in a chest it does quick stack to all nearby chests.
-Hotbar Swapping - With the touch of a button(X) you can easily swap the top row of your hotbar with the bottom row of your inventory. An option in the config allows you to cycle your hotbars instead, if you please. (Top hotbar goes to bottom row of inv, the rest of the rows go up by 1 row. Essentially giving you 5 easy to use hotbars.).
-Easy to manage configuration - The mod saves your sorting orders and other config in 2 files in your Documents/My Games/Terraria folder (IE Config.json, and Sorting Order.json), that you can very easily edit, or you can use the included application which can be launched in game(Left alt + o) to manage everything with a very easy to understand ui. No matter how you do it, the configuration can be reloaded on-the-fly by hitting left-shift and o.

-Go to your Terraria directory (In steam right click terraria, hit properties, go to the "Local Files" tab, and click "Browse local files...")
-Rename Terraria.exe to backup.exe
-Copy the Terraria.exe and Configurator.exe from inside of the zip file downloaded below, then youre done :). Have fun with a nice clean customizable inventory.



After sorting potions chest:


NOTE: This is not 100% done, but more like 95. All thats left is to fix any bugs found and to finish adding the games items to sorting sets.

To Do:
-Finish adding items to specific sorting lists, all of the main items are done.

Please tell me about any issues/bugs you encounter

1.0.0 - Released
This is an instant get. I need it.
I get an error when trying to download the configuator.
"Error, the requested attachment could not be found"
LOVE THIS. Like raving about it to a friend as we speak love it.

Two issues i've had
- Sometimes game will crash when I hit "Z"
- Chests will sort when I press Z, but not save said layout of items when I go back to it
LOVE THIS. Like raving about it to a friend as we speak love it.

Two issues i've had
- Sometimes game will crash when I hit "Z"
- Chests will sort when I press Z, but not save said layout of items when I go back to it
1.Do you have a crashlog? (its in your terraria directory, if you have one copy it to pastebin or some place and pm me it)
2.Are you on a server when this happens?

EDIT: Added netcode which i forgot, so #2 is fixed :)
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Well, I got this error.
18.07.2015 14:20:18
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Ein Teil des Pfades "B:\ItemNameIdss.json" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
bei GTR.Utils.Json.Serialize[T](T obj, String path)
bei GTR.Sorting.Sets.Add()
bei GTR.Sorting.SortingManager..ctor()
bei GTR.Inventory_Enhancements.Init()
bei Terraria.Main.Initialize()
bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
bei Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args)

"Ein Teil des Pfades "B:\ItemNameIdss.json" konnte nicht gefunden werden." It means "It couldn't find a part of the path".
thank you, firsat standalone mod i'll ever download, just cuz i need it so hard
About to upload a bugfix, so wait til i do that. (2 mins)
Well, I got this error.
18.07.2015 14:20:18
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Ein Teil des Pfades "B:\ItemNameIdss.json" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
bei GTR.Utils.Json.Serialize[T](T obj, String path)
bei GTR.Sorting.Sets.Add()
bei GTR.Sorting.SortingManager..ctor()
bei GTR.Inventory_Enhancements.Init()
bei Terraria.Main.Initialize()
bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
bei Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args)

"Ein Teil des Pfades "B:\ItemNameIdss.json" konnte nicht gefunden werden." It means "It couldn't find a part of the path".
lol, good to hear, cuz i just got the same error as Rhyno, only that it's written in spanish :p

EDIT: idk if it's cuz of your mod, but waterfalls are no longer animated >.<
not the wall ones, but the half-slab ones
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lol, good to hear, cuz i just got the same error as Rhyno, only that it's written in spanish :p

EDIT: idk if it's cuz of your mod, but waterfalls are no longer animated >.<
not the wall ones, but the half-slab ones
Water falls are a difficult issue to fix when decompiling, and it's hard to get them to a proper state. Normally after decompiling waterfalls actually crash the game, so that has to usually be fixed too. The water on half slabs is probably just a side effect, I hope it's not too much of an issue, as it doesent affect gameplay :3
Kay, thanks for the hotfix. This mod is like a life-saver for me. :D
No problem :)
I plan to actively work on this until it's the best I can make it

Also, I'm accepting suggestions if you have any ideas on how to improve this mod :D
Nice! Now I can get rid of mud blocks! (and shackles. Dam :zombie:)

On the same topic. Will this work with multiplayer?
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