Item Hoiks! - [Guide + Video] Move & Seperate Drops, Trawl Fallen Stars and More...

Thanks for the info! :)Looks like your hoik build is good for size 2 items. Presumably if the same build works in the other direction then mushrooms are definitely size 2. So we're looking at a similar directionality issue as we have currently have with size 1 items on PC. Once mobile get's upside down sloped blocks we should all be on the same page.
Well found, will add to the guide. Thanks.:)

Exactly, I tested multiple situations for my Turtle Shell farm, I can move the items right and up, but never left. I also had a nasty surprise when I visited my Turtle Shell farm, but you can see the remaining hoiks there anyway.

For curiosity, Giant Tortoise is a size 2 enemy as well, so he's hoiked to the right in this build, although never hoiked up (at least in my farming).


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Huh, strange. I'll make a map download available later that has a heart hoik in a medium world that transports hearts without interruption. I'll have to check if I can make that work in my other worlds too - haven't had that much time to do more experimenting, but I'll do more when I return from work later today.
Wonderful Job! I can't wait to see what you've come up with! Right now, i'm just relaxing at my desk, not really doing anything important. I'm up for a little gaming if anyone here is up for it.

back to to inconstancy of size 1 item hoiks could world type (corruption/crimson) potentially effect things

it shouldn't but really neither should world size unless it is due to slower game tick due to lag on a larger world which could result in different performance on better/worse computers

unfortunately this is just a theory and it could be hard to test for certain
Better late than never I suppose! I finally started tinkering a little with hoiking and now i have a fully functional mushroom vending machine :D
Your guide was very helpful with it too, I didn't make it *as big* but it is still pretty big, and it's pretty damn helpful. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how the rest of hoiking works now that it is slowly starting to make sense :)
The shark shredder item hoik won't work even though I tried to make a carbon copy, the timers wont start simultaneously, and the sharks get stuck on the bottom blocks of chamber where the spiky balls are dropped. I tried to fix it by removing one side of the sharks 1 timers, then again by completely getting rid of the bottom shark statue, which showed no different results... Is there a way to fix this?

EDIT: I have a picture of the most current one if anyone needs them to diagnose the problem
The shark shredder item hoik won't work even though I tried to make a carbon copy, the timers wont start simultaneously, and the sharks get stuck on the bottom blocks of chamber where the spiky balls are dropped. I tried to fix it by removing one side of the sharks 1 timers, then again by completely getting rid of the bottom shark statue, which showed no different results... Is there a way to fix this?

EDIT: I have a picture of the most current one if anyone needs them to diagnose the problem

Yes, show the picture and we'll figure out what the problem is.
So far as size 1 item hoiking goes I was just doing some testing in a couple of my large worlds. One world from a couple years ago, and the other from 1.3 release day. In both worlds the first tile where size 1 item hoiking starts to work horizontally is 206 west, elevation didn't seem to matter although I didn't try extremes, just surface and cavern layers. Any further west and the hoik only worked one tooth at a time. But once the tooth at 206 west activated then my copper coin zipped on through the rest of the hoik.

As of Xbox One 1.08 (PC equivalent: 1 high items can be hoiked left 1 tile at a time by actuating a tooth and solid block above at the same time

I would include a video, but i cant get my record function to work at the moment...

I may add more info later
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When I was mining, I mined a tunnel that had a HOIK in it. Naturally. Well, if i hadn't mined the tunnel, the hoik wouldn't have been made. And also the hoik was one slope.
Could you make a hoik for weapons? A lightdisk, for example.🕵️‍♂️
With light disk it doesn't work, it just bounces off the hoik blocks and returns to player.
Neither it works with Ball'o'hurt.
Grenades stop when you'll try to hoik them. But bouncy grenades sometimes (not always) can go through 1 block below when you try to hoik them. May be useful for making luck-based mechanisms.
BUT: You can hoik a beach ball, but it turns into an item after it gets hoiked

That's all what i found after trying to hoik projectiles
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