Items Lunar workbench


Type: Furniture
Craft: 40 Luminite bars and wooden workbench. Allows you to craft everything. I think it's simple enough.

Also, little siggestion. We have all these "insert celestial pilllar name" pickaxes and hammaxes for no real reason. I think these tools should do different kind of damage - Vortex pickaxe do ranged damage, Nebula - magic damage, e.t.s
Allows you to craft everything. I think it's simple enough.
Maybe if you made it out of all of the different stations, too? Or maybe you can craft stations together to make multi-stations and at the end of the game they can all be combined?
EDIT: A multi-station could be a Blend-o-matic + Solidifier + Steampunk Boiler = Steampunk Workshop
Adamantite/Titanium Forge + Mythril/Orichalcum + Autohammer + Heavy Work Bench = Blacksmith
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