Mobile My phone is no longer supported


since updating to the new version my phone is no longer supported
Device: poco f3 miui 12.5


    605.1 KB · Views: 119
Pretty sure that’s a phone problem, so you may need to get a better phone. As long as the data from Terraria has been saved to Google Play, I think you can have all your data
Decided that i want to play Terraria on mobile since I heard about the parity update. Disappointed to be facing the same issue as OP.

Should anyone facing the same problem, I recommend trying to install Terraria using Aurora Store. It is an alternative Play store frontend and it is not a warez store. Logging into your Google account allows you access to download Terraria should you already bought it.

NOTE: There's a disclaimer that there is a possible account termination if you sign into the app due to Aurora Store is in violation of Play Store's [old] ToS (latest terms however show no explicit violation). So far I have not being banned and I indeed is using my main Google account. I also have used this tool for 2+ years. But of course, i must inform you of the risks.

After many empty promises for this to be looked into in myriad of threads reporting this problem — a big hard  NO. Users should not need to use alternative platforms in order to install and play the product that they purchase with legitimate means. The inaction of the issue could make desperate users use malicious APKs online instead just to play the game that they have legitimately bought. As a Terraria player since 1.1 launch on PC, i am very very disappointed with the lack of attention and resolve for this.
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I had the same issue, but it was on a Chromebook. I had already installed the app a while before and instead of being unable to install it, it just instantly crashes within seconds of opening the app. I barely even played it but it is unusable now. It stopped working at chrome OS 118... or maybe 117... power washing and reverting worked but it could only send you to 1 version back, and is a power wash so it has obvious problems and risks.

A complete ripoff even if you are able to install it, until the issue is fixed. This needs a fix or terraria should be removed from the play store permanently or until the issue is fixed. I know it isn't something the developers can fix themselves and has to be fixed with chrome but that isn't possible at the moment.

I don't know what other operating systems cause it to be uninstallable/unusable but I know for sure it cant be used with chrome OS (the latest few versions)

you can access these by using an admin account, which also has its possibly severe issues and likely permanent damage to the device which is unacceptable. With phones it is most likely the same issue as both started having problems at close to the same time
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