Game Mechanics NPC Rework!


Torch God
No, not relationships, but NPC behaviour in general...
First things first, I want to talk about NPC fear: NPCs cannot run, they're quite sluggish. To fix that, I'm suggesting a "panic" behaviour that when one gets to a certain precentage of HP,
they would run in a faster speed. This way, they would both be faster to escape danger and not bother you for leaving the whole base just because of one green slime; they can also gain the "super fast" running ability after reaching hardmode or having the advanced combat techniques...
It should be considered, seriously that they should be able to escape upwards. The only current reason for one to jump is to move more horizontally; if they can, they should be able to jump and evade attacks. You also need to, of course, give them a way to climb ropes!
Have you ever built an underworld house? Do you remember your NPCs dying there all the time? Did that same thing happen with your ocean based house? Appearantly, NPCs love jumping off platforms. What they love more is to jump into dangereous liquids by doing so. My suggestion: to get beings with passive AI to swim. That way, you could secure them from drowning (or burning) all the time! They would swim in a way similar to how you do so with the inner tube. They should also be able to "swim" or "dive" downwards when facing an enemy from above.

Hope you liked this suggestion! If so, you can leave positive feedback, it helps. No? Then leave negative feedback, it also helps anyways...
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