PC Possible fps lag fix for ATI cards


Can you try if this works for you? I have smooth'ish 60 fps with Frameskipping off, using these settings. Make custom profile for Terraria in your GPU settings like so (you can open it by right clicking your desktop - select AMD Catalyst), if you need to browse, Terraria.exe is located in (program files or C: ?).....\Steam\SteamApps\common\terraria\:

Are you experiencing a bug, or are you trying to tell other who use this kind of Graphics Card to use these settings for optimal performance?
I used to have fps lag but with this it stabilized. Terraria's FPS limiter is just haywire so having the system's own limiter disabled can help. Sometimes with this setting i may see fps rise up to 400-800 so.. it's not that my machine isn't capable. Terraria itself is just pushing breaks too hard (bug by developer, reported many years ago since Terraria 1.1, nothing really done about it). That second bug is fixed by minimizing and restoring the Terraria window btw, so game slows it down to 60 fps.

Also what further tells that's fps is a bug, can be proven with the Frameskip option. You would expect you get smoother gameplay when Frameskip is On, right? As in skip frames if there is too much to process. No, actually for me it runs much smoother and 60 fps with Frameskip off. With On option it can go slow motion. With programmer terms, you could say that it skips frames, but also does physics calculations along with rendering. So with 40 fps it does also 40 physics frames with speed values that are for 60 fps. Result is character moving slowly.
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I used to have fps lag but with this it stabilized. Terraria's FPS limiter is just haywire so having the system's own limiter disabled can help. Sometimes with this setting i may see fps rise up to 400-800 so.. it's not that my machine isn't capable. Terraria itself is just pushing breaks too hard (bug by developer, reported many years ago since Terraria 1.1, nothing really done about it). That second bug is fixed by minimizing and restoring the Terraria window btw, so game slows it down to 60 fps.

Also what further tells that's fps is a bug, can be proven with the Frameskip option. You would expect you get smoother gameplay when Frameskip is On, right? As in skip frames if there is too much to process. No, actually for me it runs much smoother and 60 fps with Frameskip off. With On option it can go slow motion.

This is why you don't let the game control VSync, but your card instead. Always logic, for any game.
It's hard to describe, but it's more than that. If you want to skip frames, skip just rendering. If you start skipping physics too, bad things happen as we see with Terraria.
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