Casual So, why are you on the forums?

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Scrubow Gamer

Official Terrarian
Dear Moderators, I am sorry if this is already a thing, if so please lock this thread.

I myself are on these forums because when I got Xbox One I needed friends, and these forums where the place to find people to play with. After I found a few people I just always came back here to talk and hangout. Because of this I have been on the forums for a think 4-ish months.

So that is my story, what is yours, how did you get into the Terraria Community Forums

If you came from TO, what brought you to TO.
I found out about terraria from someone at my martial arts school, I then bought the game, then loved the game. Soon after I discovered the website, then the forums. I lurked around a bit and then finely joined.
I found out about terraria from someone at my martial arts school, I then bought the game, then loved the game. Soon after I discovered the website, then the forums. I lurked around a bit and then finely joined.
Right when I saw these forums I thought: "Awww man I can't post, oh wait make an account Heck Yeah!" (Few minutes later) "How do you post a thread, this is so confusing!!!" (3 months later) "So this is how you post a thread, ohhhh ok."
I found out about terraria from someone, I then bought Mobile, asked for PC, then loved the game. Soon after I discovered the website, then the forums. I looked around a bit and then finely joined.

Similar story to Brick Creepers, saved me the typing.
(Few edits, though)
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