Blocks & Decoration Some Cool New Echo Ideas!


Torch God
H[/I]ello, Terrarians; I'm back with some fresh new ideas! What are they?
We'll find out​
Well, first, I have to make out that in your builds, you can't quite have block dissappearing or visualisation animations... It's just coated or not. We're here to fix that!
Idea I: The Reflection Block
The reflection block and the reflection coating can be obtained by transmuting the echo block or coating via shimmer. They work the exact same way except that you can't see them or their byproducts with echo stations or echo goggles; you can only recognise them with reflection chambers made to spot them.
Idea II: The Echo Actuators
My new idea includes actuators that turn blocks on them invisible when activated. This could be a very useful mechanic if you put actuators and them on each other since it would litterally get the thing to dissappear!
Idea III: The Echo Dye(?)
The echo dye is a type of dye which you can buy from a dye trader near a graveyard. It's used to set certain beings invisible for vanity purposes; for instance, it can be used to get your wings invisible when wanting to fly without their sight, or it can make your minions invisible to have advantage in pvp, it can also have a part of clothing or armour invisible for other vanity puposes such as re-designing your cloting with accessasories or just getting a character looking awkardly in a weird way...

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