Resolved [Switch] Smart cursor not working


I can't change from cross to circle. When pressing the L-stick, the circle appears for a second and goes Fast back to cross. So I can't dig and aim automatically. I tried to restart game/console, create new character, even spoke with friend, that is playing normally...nothing working
I can't change from cross to circle. When pressing the L-stick, the circle appears for a second and goes Fast back to cross. So I can't dig and aim automatically. I tried to restart game/console, create new character, even spoke with friend, that is playing normally...nothing working
Press +, then go to general. Set Smart cursor mode to toggle
Thanks @Nooglet.

Also, as an aside on a different topic for both of you, in case you haven’t heard, placing item frames or target dummies in your world will cause it to not launch anymore, so avoid those two things for now.
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