tAPI Terrastuck (HEAVY WIP)

Alchemiter.json {
"displayName": "Alchemiter",
"texture": "Textures/Tiles/Alchemiter",
"size": [2,2],
"frameWidth": 16,
"frameHeight": 16,
"frameImportant": true,
"directional": false,
"blocksLight": false,
"blocksSun": false,
"mergeDirt": false,
"placementConditions": "flatGround",
"placementOrigin": [2,1],
"drop": "terrastuckescg:AlchemiterItem",
"breaksByPick": true,
"dust": 0,
"sound": 1,
"soundGroup": 21,
"mapColor": [179, 125, 31]
} AlchemiterItem.json {
"displayName": "Alchemiter (Item))",
"texture": "Textures/Items/Tiles/AlchemiterItem",
"size": [16,16],
"maxStack": 999,
"value": [0,0,10,0],
"rare": 7,
"useStyle": 1,
"useAnimation": 15,
"useTime": 10,
"autoReuse": true,
"useTurn": true,
"tooltip": "Used to craft things",
"createTile": "terrastuckescg:Alchemiter",
"consumable": true,

"items": { "Dirt Block": 1 },
"tiles": [ "Work Bench" ],
"creates": 1
Who is this friend? Are they on the forums? Do ye need help?
I wonder if they do? :p
The friend is xsl3, he's inexperienced with tAPI like me ;p
Also, in the 'pls help m9' thing, I have 2 .json files that are being not nice, and crashing when I try to launch the game with them.

Yo, upload the entire mod to me in a Conversation?
OH MY GOODNESS! Somebody literally got me hooked on this web comic a couple of weeks ago! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also your friend @xsl3... but his name didn't pop up...
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