Official The Ultimate Guide To Content Creation And Use For The Terraria Workshop

So I created basically a full on music pack, however I've ran into an issue and others have as well. When a song in the pack reaches it's end where it's meant to loop, it just stops and never comes back. Does this occur because of the audio format, or is Terraria having issues looping tracks?
WIP but this is so satisfying already!

I have a problem, i made an Spanish one, but all the accent mark got turned into an "*" when i install it, how can i fix it? I need help please
Is it possible to edit the list of Town NPC names? Like the guide's list that includes Andrew, Asher, ect.

Only some of the names are handled in the localization files (these being proper nouns, they weren't originally intended to be translated).

The vast majority were handled in legacy systems that cannot be edited via localization packs, BUT, a few of the newer ones can be. These include:
- Tavernkeep
- Golfer
- Zoologist
- Princess
- All Town Pet names

So I created basically a full on music pack, however I've ran into an issue and others have as well. When a song in the pack reaches it's end where it's meant to loop, it just stops and never comes back. Does this occur because of the audio format, or is Terraria having issues looping tracks?

We've gotten reports of this issue, its happening only with MP3s, and its our highest priority bug right now. WAV and OGG files should work fine, for the time being.

I have a problem, i made an Spanish one, but all the accent mark got turned into an "*" when i install it, how can i fix it? I need help please

Symbols and characters that are NOT in our database cannot be used. You may need to look at other examples of our Spanish localization to see which characters we used for the accent mark. You can't add one that we do not already have supported, it will always be replaced.

I have a question, do i name the file or the csv?

I'm not sure which file you are referring to.

If you are making a localization csv, then it needs to begin with the PRE-FIX of the language in question you are working on. For example, English is en-US. So en-US.csv would work, but you could also do like . . . en-US-Items.csv.

The prefix for all languages is in the Guide post.
Only some of the names are handled in the localization files (these being proper nouns, they weren't originally intended to be translated).

The vast majority were handled in legacy systems that cannot be edited via localization packs, BUT, a few of the newer ones can be. These include:
- Tavernkeep
- Golfer
- Zoologist
- Princess
- All Town Pet names

We've gotten reports of this issue, its happening only with MP3s, and its our highest priority bug right now. WAV and OGG files should work fine, for the time being.

Symbols and characters that are NOT in our database cannot be used. You may need to look at other examples of our Spanish localization to see which characters we used for the accent mark. You can't add one that we do not already have supported, it will always be replaced.

I'm not sure which file you are referring to.

If you are making a localization csv, then it needs to begin with the PRE-FIX of the language in question you are working on. For example, English is en-US. So en-US.csv would work, but you could also do like . . . en-US-Items.csv.

The prefix for all languages is in the Guide post.
The Spanish Translation DOES have the accent marks, i only changed some words from Spain Spanish to Mexican Spanish, and the accent marks bugged
The Spanish Translation DOES have the accent marks, i only changed some words from Spain Spanish to Mexican Spanish, and the accent marks bugged

Are you sure you are using the exact same characters, and not just one that looks similar? You could try copy/pasting the literal text from the Spain Spanish and see if they are still replaced.

The asterisk means "Terraria does not know what this character is, so its being replaced." If its literally the same character already present in the language files, this shouldn't be happening.
So I've converted a wavebank of mine into a Music Pack, and I've noticed something weird about the Journey's Beginning title: from what I understood of how it worked pre-1.4.2 (possibly wrong?), the version with the intro would play exactly 1 minute and 24 seconds, before it would switch over to play and loop the intro-less version. I used this in my original wavebank to create my own version of a song with an intro, where I edited the song to cut off at 1:24 for the intro version and continued from 1:24 to a looping point in the intro-less version, and it seemed to work fine that way.
However, after this update and after I converted my wavebank to a Music Pack, I've noticed some odd things: when launching the game, there's a short skip in the song after Re:Logic fades to black, before the main title shows up (where the vanilla intro ends, mine is longer), but the music will continue as normal. The bigger problem is that once the track has reached it's 1:24 cutoff, it loops the intro version again instead of changing to the intro-less, and will continue to loop the intro version instead of the intro-less. The intro-less version will play and loop as normal if the title is re-entered from in-game, or the pack is reloaded.
Is it bugged, or has the way to include your own unique intro song changed? (Or was I getting the method wrong to begin with?) If it has, and there's a new method to creating title songs with unique intros, can I ask it be included or mentioned in the guide?


(If it's of use, I'm using .wav files in my Music Pack)
Are you sure you are using the exact same characters, and not just one that looks similar? You could try copy/pasting the literal text from the Spain Spanish and see if they are still replaced.

The asterisk means "Terraria does not know what this character is, so its being replaced." If its literally the same character already present in the language files, this shouldn't be happening.
Yes, because i didn't modify anything related with the menu, it's still the same as the one in the downloads section, and yet the accent marks in the menu got replaced, also, another thing i noticed is that when i have the pack active, the Japanese/Chinese/Etc. Letters get replaced by "?"
I'm currently trying to change a song in one of terraria's soundtracks. But for some reason I encountered some errors. When I use an mp3 file, the song plays normally as it should. When it ends however, it just makes this stuttering noise that wont go away until the song changes to a different one. So, I decided to try and use .ogg and .wav files separately. However, it only ended up saying that it failed to load the respective song files. Are these bugs, or am I just missing something?
Heyo, nerdy question about music packs. Now that we have this new (and VERY convenient, like seriously thank you guys) method of replacing the game's tracks, is it possible to support loop points in the future so rather than just looping to the beginning of the song we can have tracks loop at a certain point within the song? (maybe via json files for mods using a "loop_point" parameter with samples or through adding loop points through programs like Goldwave.)

json loop point parameter.png
(.json loop point parameter),
(Samples seen in audio editing programs like Audacity), goldwave cue point.png (Goldwave loop point, only works with .wav files to my knowledge).

I understand if this is not (atleast currently) possible to code these in to be supported, thanks again for this wonderful update regardless. :happy:
I found a problem with the playback of the MusicPack songs I made. Right at the beginning when I open the game, it crashes and the opening song keeps repeating itself endlessly and the normal menu song doesn't start. Only return to normal if you reset the MusicPack or change screens and return.
I am working on something with Localization, and I supposed that you could change the "Terraria:___" names as there is an entry for them, but after trying so and seeing the titles I changed appear I guessed I was either doing something wrong, or it doesn't work. Which is it?


  • What I Did.png
    What I Did.png
    6.9 KB · Views: 159
Is it possible to give tooltip for an item that has no customized tooltip? For instance, Ladybug has generic-tooltip (bait power, consumable, material) that can be applied to other items. I wanted to add information about luck on it but it seems that cannot be changed.
So I've converted a wavebank of mine into a Music Pack, and I've noticed something weird about the Journey's Beginning title: from what I understood of how it worked pre-1.4.2 (possibly wrong?), the version with the intro would play exactly 1 minute and 24 seconds, before it would switch over to play and loop the intro-less version. I used this in my original wavebank to create my own version of a song with an intro, where I edited the song to cut off at 1:24 for the intro version and continued from 1:24 to a looping point in the intro-less version, and it seemed to work fine that way.
However, after this update and after I converted my wavebank to a Music Pack, I've noticed some odd things: when launching the game, there's a short skip in the song after Re:Logic fades to black, before the main title shows up (where the vanilla intro ends, mine is longer), but the music will continue as normal. The bigger problem is that once the track has reached it's 1:24 cutoff, it loops the intro version again instead of changing to the intro-less, and will continue to loop the intro version instead of the intro-less. The intro-less version will play and loop as normal if the title is re-entered from in-game, or the pack is reloaded.
Is it bugged, or has the way to include your own unique intro song changed? (Or was I getting the method wrong to begin with?) If it has, and there's a new method to creating title songs with unique intros, can I ask it be included or mentioned in the guide?


(If it's of use, I'm using .wav files in my Music Pack)

I'm not sure what's going on with this, but if you don't mind making a report thread for it here, it would be easier to look into:
Journey's End Bug Reports

Yes, because i didn't modify anything related with the menu, it's still the same as the one in the downloads section, and yet the accent marks in the menu got replaced, also, another thing i noticed is that when i have the pack active, the Japanese/Chinese/Etc. Letters get replaced by "?"

Can you make a bug report for this issue in this section please?
Journey's End Bug Reports

I'm currently trying to change a song in one of terraria's soundtracks. But for some reason I encountered some errors. When I use an mp3 file, the song plays normally as it should. When it ends however, it just makes this stuttering noise that wont go away until the song changes to a different one. So, I decided to try and use .ogg and .wav files separately. However, it only ended up saying that it failed to load the respective song files. Are these bugs, or am I just missing something?

MP3 files are currently bugged and not looping properly. If the ogg and wav files were failing, it means there was something wrong with the music file that prevented Terraria from reading it properly.

"Zipped Resource Packs cannot be published to the workshop!"
what do i do???

Well, unzip your pack! If you don't know how, a google search will show you how to work with zipped files better than I can. :)

Heyo, nerdy question about music packs. Now that we have this new (and VERY convenient, like seriously thank you guys) method of replacing the game's tracks, is it possible to support loop points in the future so rather than just looping to the beginning of the song we can have tracks loop at a certain point within the song? (maybe via json files for mods using a "loop_point" parameter with samples or through adding loop points through programs like Goldwave.)

Examples:View attachment 314590 (.json loop point parameter),View attachment 314593 (Samples seen in audio editing programs like Audacity), View attachment 314592 (Goldwave loop point, only works with .wav files to my knowledge).

I understand if this is not (atleast currently) possible to code these in to be supported, thanks again for this wonderful update regardless. :happy:

I'm not sure if this is something we will be able to implement, but I will ask.

I found a problem with the playback of the MusicPack songs I made. Right at the beginning when I open the game, it crashes and the opening song keeps repeating itself endlessly and the normal menu song doesn't start. Only return to normal if you reset the MusicPack or change screens and return.

If you upload your pack to Steam Workshop and tell me what it is, I can download it and investigate it. Also, please make a report thread here to discuss this issue: Journey's End Bug Reports

I am working on something with Localization, and I supposed that you could change the "Terraria:___" names as there is an entry for them, but after trying so and seeing the titles I changed appear I guessed I was either doing something wrong, or it doesn't work. Which is it?

Can you make a bug report thread for this here? Journey's End Bug Reports

Is it possible to give tooltip for an item that has no customized tooltip? For instance, Ladybug has generic-tooltip (bait power, consumable, material) that can be applied to other items. I wanted to add information about luck on it but it seems that cannot be changed.

Language packs do not allow for adding a tooltip to an item that does not already have one. Things like Bait Power/Material/etc are automated based on the item type. You can only add/modify tooltips that already exist.
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