Weapons & Equip turtle pickaxe


  • yes, why isn't it in the game already.

  • no. terrible idea.

  • meh I see potential.

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So there is the shroomite digging claw. And the spectre pickaxe. But why no turtle pickaxe? Introducing...

The Turtle Pickaxe
(Don't have sprite yet, although, someone could make one.)
44 melee damage
200% pickaxe power
Average knockback
Crafting: 18 chlorophyte bars 1 turtle shell.

Let me know what you guys think.
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Ok, so #1, this should be in sugestions section. just click the report button and say, "i would like this moved to suggestions"
#2, this isn't that good of an idea, but I see potential. it seems to just be a worse alternative to the spectre and shroomite.
hey a achievement called mmm toasty would be cool you get it by roasting a marshmelow

Please keep messages in topics about the actual topic.

On that note, I would say the stats might be a little too high. If I'm reading the wiki right, then the turtle pickaxe would completely outclass the spectre pickaxe. I would assume that you make it from chlorophyte and turtle shells, the latter being available before ectoplasm for the spectre pickaxe. It might need a nerf.
That is true.
It comes from the jungle
Sort of. I was going for a pickaxe that was the equivalent to spectre/shroomite mining tools like 200% pickaxe power instead of
210% also, I need sprites as well because what's a pickaxe that doesn't look like one.
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