Use your questioning skills to satisfy your curiosity in matters which involve me...


Torch God
I make the rules here, gentelmen! If I don't wann'a answer your questions, I'll say it! No worries, I WON'T take ANYTHING personally.
When was your last dentist appointment?
I don't remember...
I do remember though, what it was for and about. It was for filling some of my teeth, like the one before. Though the one before had his brilliant idea to do it without any medicine so I actually felt it fully as he was digging into my teeth and putting weird things in it (it was traumatic).
All my dental appointments were to the same place with the same someone who's our friend, so I get goosebumps whenever I hear his voice.
If you could hypnotize people via eye contact, what would you do with that power?
As in controlling what they do, or controlling what they think spesifically? (that means I'm still able to control what they do a little bit)
If it's what they do, I'd maybe try to stop the building process the indian abomination (TurEng says it's called bungalow) that's right next to our garden. I wouldn't have much change in my life though, since I don't need to control people and since I'm (not exactly) a Taoist.
If it's controlling their thoughts, I'd use it to distract security workers who can't even slightly understand what they're supposed to do. Other than that, I'd use it to communicate and replace whispering!
Would you rather be given $5,000,000 or be given a penny that doubles every day for a month?
If I think that I'll survive for another month, which I usually believe that it's the case, I might:
- If It's a physical penny, of course not! I'd have 1073741824 coins lying around.
- IF it's an amount of money that starts as a penny, I guess that's the logical choice.
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