Your Favourite Enemy


We've all been there, that one enemy that kills you over and over but you cant stay mad because its just so awesome.
Even if they just look awesome, no matter how strong, ya just cant stay mad at the bugger!
We've all been there, that one enemy that kills you over and over but you cant stay mad because its just so awesome.
Even if they just look awesome, no matter how strong, ya just cant stay mad at the bugger!

Skeletron Prime. With no armor, just stynger and some movement gears. And with 100 HP.
Once killed you feel like a boss.
Wyvern is easy stuff when you're prepared that he is coming.
But paladin is dungeon badass D:
Not when you stay hours on end waiting for it to spawn to get its hammer only to die and have to travel the entire way back to the dungeon again! ERGGGHH!
All the console-exclusive enemies, they're like miniminibosses. And Ocram is almost harder than Fishron : P
Harpies. I love myself some harpies shooting me with stabby feathers while I'm just trying to loot floating islands.

Yayyyyy. :dryadpassionate:
Mine has to be the Mimics, it's always a surprise when you start HM and you think you have found a chest, hope it has some interesting loot, then suddenly it atacks you and it has so much life and it doesn't take that much knockback, and you only have a Phaseblade and some Meteor Armor...
Mmmm so good.
;( RIP Mr. Blue (2013-2013)
Moths for the silly reason I sometimes go by the name "Mothra"
Enchanted Sword/Cursed Hammer/Crimson Axe. I just find them silly in a way, they just randomly come flying at you from offscreen and then you hit them and they just start spinning around like crazy. They just make me laugh!
I simply can't get enough of these guys:

I just love how they are all over the place, if only the rod of discord didn't have that swinging animation. :(
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