Your TCF Role?


Skeletron Prime
How are you best known on these here forums?

Are you the forum funny guy? The resident spammer, just trying to up that precious post count? Maybe you're the kind, caring one who helps other members with their problems? Or perhaps you're the forum prick who everyone hates (c'mon, every forum has that guy.) Are you the forum stud/hottie, who everyone talks too and wants to be friends with just because you're so damn irresistible? Resident artist? Forum pervert? Are you someone who always seems to be around but no one really notices? The guy, who when mentioned, everyone on the forum says "who?!" You might be known for your quick wit or your sarcastic posts? You might be known for your horribel speling, and poo'r grammar? or maybe you're just known for having a certain avatar or signature? Are you that nazi mod who lets the power go to their head who bans users and closes threads for no reason and who is just really unfair in every single way? The forum loner? The young buck? The old geezer? The guy who actually really doesn't like Terraria all that much but still posts here anyway? How about the attention seeker, who posts that they are leaving the forum forever only to return a day later? The forum drunk? Resident complainer? The stalker who reads through everyone's profiles? The lurker? The one who's opinion is always right no matter what and that's fact x infinity no takebacks la la la la i can't hear you! Maybe you're best known for liking cats? Or dogs? Or dragons? Are you the flame war starter? The peacekeeper? The really religious guy? The guy who everyone thought was a girl? The guy who actually ended up being a girl? The guy/girl who is neither a guy or a girl? That one guy who totally became the forum legend by doing that really cool, awesome, amazing thing on the forum that one time? Remember that? Man, that guy was a legend.

What is your role here at Terraria Community Forums?
Guess I'd be the science/tech girl.

How about the attention seeker, who posts that they are leaving the forum forever only to return a day later?

At a forum for skeptical inquiry that my mate spends a lot of time reading, that's called "not sticking the flounce." In other words, the person stamps his or her little foot, goes "HMPH!," and flounces out the door, nose in the air, looking neither left nor right… then comes back for more.

If you really do leave, that's sticking the flounce. It's by analogy with a gymnast sticking her dismount, or landing solidly on her feet and staying put.
Gentleman of the forums.

When I'm not gentlemening, I like to make suggestions, help out new beginners and drink pixelated tea

I also like to post threads about other cool games

I might also become a spriter
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Ofc it's possible to guess what you are yourself, but I feel like a role should be bestowed upon you from others. It becomes more "valid" if you know what I mean ._.

I donno. I draw? I come with both witty comments and funny GIF-replies?
I donno, if I'm getting a role, I think I'd let other people give me one =w=
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