Changer la taille du backgrounds


Bonjour, alors voila j'aimerai savoir si c'est possible de changer la "taille" du background en arrière plan s'il vous plait.
A chaque fois que je crée un nouveau monde le background se trouve tout le temps "dissimuler" à moitié se qui rend le tout très moche :/

(Sorry i don't speak english ><)


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Hello, so here I would like to know if it is possible to change the "size" background in the background please. Whenever I create a new world the background is all the time "hiding" half that makes everything very ugly :/
There is no way to do that currently.

Re-Logic is evaluating things like this and trying to tweak them for better results. The random generation of the surface terrain makes it very difficult to have the "best" results in every world. When the next PC update arrives ("soon", no release date available yet), hopefully your experience with this will be better along with some new backgrounds that have already been teased in recent weeks.
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