Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

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So... I have a space sky bridge, battle potion, and water candle.....
I can't find a single stupid probe.

Even during bloodmoon.
I'm on a large world and I've gone from start to finish 7 times with no probes to show for it.

I think it may have been nerfed a bit too hard, yeah?

Come to think of it, I haven't had to destroy a probe since the patch either, and I did the Lunar Event three times.
As a gun purist. I'm glad Vortex Beater got some upgrade. I recall the time I prefer the Martian Xenopopper over it until I realise VB are dealing more damage in the longer run and MX has the illusion of dealing more damage is because damage digits are flooding all over the screen.

However, I have to ask in despair, why does the dev feel the goddamned need to make the already immense Moon Lord harder and harder by disabling our 'unusual' strategists? We only have 500 HP (600 with buff) and the magic mirror strategy to nurse strategy allow a lot more of us to stand a chance against him by retreating and recovering (you guys won't imagine how happy I was to get the Prism although I as a gun user will never use it). Great, now the teleporters at my skybridge can rot uselessly now since I can no longer use it in Moon Lord fight. I think I might reconfigure the circuits into a heart dispenser. Maybe a lot more heart dispenser along the skybridge. That said, I need to lengthen my skybridge too (currently it only extends along a world tree and a really tall hill in snow biome) as as of currently when I reached the end of the bridge, I've only killed Moon Lord's one part, or maybe wound another part slightly before I have to escape and rinse the process.

I'm gonna pay the steampunker and mechanic a visit now to make more heart dispenser. Maybe the spare map I used to clone items now to get more heart statues. Wish me good luck people.

Oh, dear devs, why wedding dress cannot be coloured with dye? I mean it's not like black wedding dress or pink wedding dress don't exists in real life right? I would love to make my trap char (who is wearing the Zelda-like princess outfit currently) look fabulous with wedding dresses in other colour.

I haven't even gotten ONE solar eclipse.

That's the ruthless RNG god for you. Some get nothing, others get flooded. Thankfully, patch 1.3 came with the amazing addition of Solar Tablets. Farm one yourself today! For every fragment dropped, you get a free updgrade to your chances to find another one a second later. Really, they're more frequent that grass in the purity biome. So head on down to your nearest temple, and take full advantage of this exclusive offer. Also available on consoles and mobile devices. Ok, so it's not that exclusive unless you're running OS X.
Nice! As soon as this Solar Eclipse ends, I get an instant blood moon! Can I just please get the lunar event done?
So... I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. A lot of people are saying they can beat the moon lord solo, but have any of them done it solo on expert without any moon lord drops? specifying difficulty and progression level seems pertinent.
So Martain Prods aren't meant to spawn in the middle. For a while I through that was the only place they did spawn.

All the Solar Eclipses where starting to get old after a while. They where fun at first but now I have been getting to many.
So... I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. A lot of people are saying they can beat the moon lord solo, but have any of them done it solo on expert without any moon lord drops?

You're always going to get mixed messages here. We have players that can't dodge a dead slime and we have players that can defeat 2 Moon Lords at once on Expert with copper armor.

To answer your question: yes. There is even a video earlier in the thread.
So... I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. A lot of people are saying they can beat the moon lord solo, but have any of them done it solo on expert without any moon lord drops?

I beat ML on Expert Mode solo using the pre-patch Phantasm, and the Phantasm isn't really a ML drop but it is a Lunar Event drop. I used Phantasm + Beetle Shell + Worm Scarf/Fishron Wings/Ankh Shield/Star Veil Necklace/Master Ninja Gear/Celestial Stone, all reforged to Warding, and I also used basically every Buff Potion I could find on the wiki + Ammo Box/Sharpening Station. Also, because it was pre-patch, I could still warp back to nurse and heal to full if I really needed to.

I haven't even considered it post 1.3.4 though.
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