Happy Paper Anniversary! You've been a member of the Terrarian Community for a full year!
Alert the Paparazzi!
Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
Living Tree
You stayed true to nature, let your roots grow and branches spread wide. Long live the Trees!
An Unseen Deity
Uncovering your favorite thread of torches, you’ve lit up the secret and have earned the favor and luck of the mercurial Torch God.
Loot 'em Up!
Hey there Privateer! Thank you for taking a Crew with you into an unknown Galaxy full of adventure! (Awarded for indicating that you own Pixel Privateers)
You like me...you really, really like me....
Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
Out of the Shadows...
A lurker no longer, you have posted your first message in our community forums!
Certifiably Terrarian
You are a True Terrarian!
(Awarded for indicating that you own Terraria)
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