Recent content by Duane

  1. Duane

    NPCs & Enemies Drops for Mushroom Biome Enemies

    Right now the mushroom biome enemies mostly just drop banners and coins. Not much else. I'm not asking for much, but some kind of material drop would be nice. Glowing Mushrooms, for example. It might be too late for this to be added in, but I think that it would add a little more incentive to...
  2. Duane

    PC Item 3,000!

    Man, this update is looking better and better. If they can get to 4000 items, I will reincarnate as a flamboyant Osprey.
  3. Duane

    2... 3... 5... 7... 11... 13... The prime numbers never lie.

    2... 3... 5... 7... 11... 13... The prime numbers never lie.
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