Recent content by FlamPhoenix

  1. FlamPhoenix

    Game Mechanics Idea about NPC (1.4)

    Can you, modmakers or developers, change the preferences of the character's needs to be random? Because after playing for a while, I can make a list of perfect settlements knowing what the preferences of the settlers are
  2. FlamPhoenix

    Journey's End Vanity Contest Submission Thread

    Futuristic samurai armor right before your very eyes, you can get it in hardmode. Slightly resembles a mushroom, although it was not my intention. I intended to draw futuristic samurai armor granting a bonus to the owners of the pre-hardmode shurikens, katana and all the rest oriental weaponry...
  3. FlamPhoenix

    Resolved [Mobile] Crash (Xiaomi Redmi GO)

    > it would be great if you kept us updated if you find anything further. Everything written below is related to problems that appear on budget phones. Not on all, probably, but nevermind. A list of non-critical problems, some of which I encounter even on a PC. 1. There are microfreezes and...
  4. FlamPhoenix

    Resolved [Mobile] Crash (Xiaomi Redmi GO)

    Right now I installed only the most important apps, but I'm starting to download all the other apps back. If I find the app that causes the problems - I will tell. (I have suspicions that the problems are related to the SD-card. It supplement the main memory, perhaps its temporary removing to...
  5. FlamPhoenix

    Resolved [Mobile] Crash (Xiaomi Redmi GO)

    I reset my phone to factory settings and the game stopped crashing. Fps drops is what's left, but it's not that bad. :[
  6. FlamPhoenix

    Resolved [Mobile] Crash (Xiaomi Redmi GO)

    Overall, the game works normally. There can be fps drops here and there, but it's not the worst thing. By unknown reasons, the game crashes on the spot. unexpectedly. I do fit the minimum requirements to play this game. Please fix this issue. Thanks
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