Recent content by Logjitzu

  1. Logjitzu

    Items Option to allow Quick-Stack to include items in your hotbar (that are unfavorited)

    Whenever i come home from an adventure, I use "Quick Stack to Nearby Chests" to quickly and neatly put away everything where it belongs, but I also always have to drag everything out of my hotbar and then press the button again. It's a pretty minor annoyance but once you've done it 100s of times...
  2. Logjitzu

    yeah agreed. i wish Auto-Stack included everything or at least had the option to let us choose...

    yeah agreed. i wish Auto-Stack included everything or at least had the option to let us choose what it included.
  3. Logjitzu

    ive always read it as "sen-ex"

    ive always read it as "sen-ex"
  4. Logjitzu

    Any plans on adding a setting to allow Quick-Stack to include items in the hotbar? After every...

    Any plans on adding a setting to allow Quick-Stack to include items in the hotbar? After every adventure I have to Quick-Stack, drag stuff down from my hotbar, then Quick-Stack again. Just something that's been bugging me for a while.
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