Recent content by LostInSpace

  1. LostInSpace

    Searching for a Terria modding dev team!

    Sorry for hijacking a thread lol. @Ninomancer what kind of experience do you have in sprite making? Can I see a few examples? I have a mod in store that I'm quite honestly thumbling over to get good looking sprites for so if you're looking for someone to make a fun project with down the line...
  2. LostInSpace

    PC The Jungle Rose (Farm)

  3. LostInSpace

    Terraria done right.

    Terraria done right.
  4. LostInSpace

    Other Mute Button

    Ability for a 'mute-sound button' instead of having to scroll the bars to 0% each time. The option to retain our set values and alternate between a muted game and a sounded game with the click of a button instead of moving the sliders out of our preset percentages would just be one of the...
  5. LostInSpace

    Items Enchanted Weatherdial

    We have an enchanted sundial that can change the time to day once per in-game week. Can we have an enchanted weatherdial that can force it to rain once per in-game week? Any excuse to make it easier for me to get the nimbus rod.
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