Recent content by MrBoiDaGeat

  1. MrBoiDaGeat

    NPCs & Enemies Some slime tweaks and ideas just to throw out there.

    - Sand slimes having a chance to drop a few sand blocks on death - Ice slimes having a chance to drop a few ice blocks on death - Crimslimes "popping" on death causing a small damaging explosion of blood relative to the slimes size - jungle slimes using a slightly more aggressive jump pattern/...
  2. MrBoiDaGeat

    the giant fungi bulb aka the early hardmode killer

    the giant fungi bulb aka the early hardmode killer
  3. MrBoiDaGeat

    Mushroom biome is the best

    Mushroom biome is the best
  4. MrBoiDaGeat

    cant wait to get terraria for PC.

    cant wait to get terraria for PC.
  5. MrBoiDaGeat

    Console Boss summon quotes

    You feel the air getting colder around you.
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