Recent content by PolarStars

  1. PolarStars

    tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

    Mostly anything that'd logically catch fire like wood, grass, etc. A notable exception I found was that Living Mahogany doesn't burn but glass does. To my knowledge there is no such block that can carry fire but not itself be broken by it, nor any block that can spread/carry fire without being...
  2. PolarStars

    tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

    In my play-through, I used shotguns fairly extensively and I do agree that most shotguns need a buff. the boomstick is very weak for it's low clip size and long reload time, though I suppose the idea might be to get that 2 shot burst in and then switch to another weapon? The regular shotgun is...
  3. PolarStars

    tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

    @Lunatic Lobbyist Yep! I've had Dual Wielding installed and working perfectly fine since the beginning of my play-through with no crashes whatsoever! I had no idea until now that people were having trouble with it!
  4. PolarStars

    tModLoader Terraria Overhaul - Gameplay enhancements and much more

    I just a finished a full play-through of this mod, and let me just say... This mod is AMAZING!!! Before I go into my review proper, I'd like to preface everything by saying that the sheer amount of effort and love that went into making this mod is very apparent. Any bugs I encountered or...
  5. PolarStars


    Well, this mod looks very promising. I can imagine a very bright future for it if can be done right. However, I see that you may be falling into one or two design traps. First and foremost, while some races like Orcs or Drow have very powerfull advantages/disadvantages that significantly change...
  6. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    As I have now completed all of the content of STW and have had some time to collect my thoughts on it, I feel obligated to give a less hairbrained review/critique than I gave last time. So without further adiue, STW Review 2: Electric Boogaloo. First off, in reguards to my previous critique I...
  7. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    Good to know, thanks for the tip! Never would have even thought of using the map, since I would have assumed they'd just be like normal enemies.
  8. PolarStars

    I am an official terrarian... Because it sounds more important that way!

    I am an official terrarian... Because it sounds more important that way!
  9. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    Indeed, the very fact that is in alpha and things will change is the whole reason I need to give my feedback in the first place. It's good to know that things get better down the line, however. Haven't encountered a goblin world yet...
  10. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    I may or may not be one of those people who is of less than average intelligence when it comes to money management, lol. I know, I used that mostly just to argue a point, rather than actually having a problem with it. That's very good to hear, it should make mining a lot more fun for me in...
  11. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    I'm the kind of person who has a very low tollerence for grinding, and what I've already said obvoiusly stems from that. But that being said, diging trough all that stuff in vanilla terraria doen't really feel like grinding due to the intersperced cave systems, loot chets, etc. Where as in STW...
  12. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    I'm not saying that mining and crafting should not be in the game at all. I'm saying that the skills associated with those things shouldn't. Mining and crafting are an essential part of the soul of terraria and they should absolutly still be in the mod, however the skills attached to them are...
  13. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    What I'm saying in regards to mining is that there's more than one way to gate a player from having overpowered items at the start of the game. carefully contructed area design, enemy placement, or quest progression can gate a player in a much more fun and engaging way. If a player is skilled...
  14. PolarStars

    Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

    Is this a good place to post a small critique? Everyone seems to just be using this thread to post bugs and the whatnot, well whatever, I'm posting a small critique here. I think that the crafting and mining skills need to be removed from the mod entirely. Now, you may think to yourself that...
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