Recent content by rebel6301

  1. rebel6301

    oh hey you're still alive

    oh hey you're still alive
  2. rebel6301

    i am so incredibly sorry to ANY person reading my old comments and/or name. those are a...

    i am so incredibly sorry to ANY person reading my old comments and/or name. those are a byproduct of my past self's idiotic decisions, and i PROMISE you those mistakes will not be made again.
  3. rebel6301

    alright so apparantly i think i figured it out. time to wait for a mod to approve the change

    alright so apparantly i think i figured it out. time to wait for a mod to approve the change
  4. rebel6301

    how do i change my name i just rediscovered the site and i really wanna change it to rebel6301

    how do i change my name i just rediscovered the site and i really wanna change it to rebel6301
  5. rebel6301

    I wanna answer things. AMA.

    Ask me whatever you please. You can ask me anything... a n y t h i n g .
  6. rebel6301

    Journey's End Vanity Contest Submission Thread

    Here's mine. It's to raise awareness that furries have feelings, too. If anyone hates on me, I will personally screech in their ears.
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