Recent content by TeaFaris

  1. TeaFaris

    Need help with mod

    looks like you haven't added texture to your armor. Just drop the png with the texture into the code folder
  2. TeaFaris

    What is wrong with this code? 1.4 tmodloader

    Add these usings using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Terraria.DataStructures; There is also an unnecessary dot. Visual Studio can fix common errors such as spelling errors and missing using statements: Why Use an IDE · tModLoader/tModLoader Wiki
  3. TeaFaris

    tModLoader Boss spawning far away from the player

    Just teleport the boss to the player if they are too far away. What about the boss spawn message can be implemented via stages. public class FrozenArtifact : ModItem { public uint Stage { get; private set; } = 0; public override void AI() { switch(Stage) {...
  4. TeaFaris

    Im looking to make a melee weapons projectiles home

    Use the ExampleMod repository as a source to check out and get information on how to add things. Here is an example of a simple homing projectile.
  5. TeaFaris

    Help With NPC Hapiness

    public class SomeNPC : ModNPC { public override void SetStaticDefaults() { // Your code //... //... // happiness NPC.Happiness .SetBiomeAffection<ForestBiome>(AffectionLevel.Like) // prefers the...
  6. TeaFaris

    Help With NPC Hapiness

    Dialogs is handled by the localization file You will have to create a en-US.hjson file like this one: tModLoader/en-US.hjson at 1.4 · tModLoader/tModLoader You don't need ALL that code (mostly delete almost all of it) but look at lines 124 and downwards. You'll need something like this.
  7. TeaFaris

    I was pretty busy yesterday, I'll answer now

    I was pretty busy yesterday, I'll answer now
  8. TeaFaris

    Help With Custom Town NPCs

    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using System; using System.Linq; using Terraria; using Terraria.Audio; using Terraria.ID; using Terraria.Localization; using Terraria.ModLoader; using Terraria.Utilities; using Terraria.GameContent.Bestiary; using Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules; using...
  9. TeaFaris

    Help With Custom Town NPCs

    can you post the whole code as text?
  10. TeaFaris

    tModLoader How Do I Properly Rename Vanilla Terraria Items?

    try adding this public override bool InstancePerEntity => true;
  11. TeaFaris

    tModLoader 1.4 Mod Help

    Try this public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, int damage, float knockBack, bool crit) => player.Heal(2);
  12. TeaFaris

    tModLoader 1.4 Mod Help

    1. Create your own Keybind System: Then we create an item of an improved version of the rod of discord: 2. It's very easy, just clone all the methods and properties of the vanilla item. 3. I don’t know how to implement time freezing, but I saw such a feature in Enigma Mod, you can see the...
  13. TeaFaris

    tModLoader How Do I Properly Rename Vanilla Terraria Items?

    I don't know what the exact problem might be, but I can guess. Perhaps in the game the types are not quite correctly synchronized and it would be best to use not Item.type but Item.netID. And good luck learning C#.
  14. TeaFaris

    How to change the stats of a vanilla weapon

    using System.Collections.Generic; using Terraria; using Terraria.ID; using Terraria.ModLoader; Add this to the very beginning of the code
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