Recent content by Thisnamesucks

  1. Thisnamesucks

    PS5 My character and map progress keeps getting deleted when I load in

    Hello! Thank you for replying :) I had renamed my characters (for sure the most recent character) before the corruption. I am grateful for the opportunity to get my pda and golden fishing pole back lol but it's water under the bridge. I was just in the market for some kind of explanation or...
  2. Thisnamesucks

    PS5 My character and map progress keeps getting deleted when I load in

    When it happened the first time I had deleted that character, and made a new one. And then it happened again. Both of these two characters where in journey mode as well as the world I made and use them in. Bonus cat
  3. Thisnamesucks

    PS5 My character and map progress keeps getting deleted when I load in

    Very adorable cat thank you :) So I tried doing all that I could, accessing any files or saved data that just need a place to transfer to, but consoles are unfortunately very limited. I'm rather unhappy with the fact that if I wasn't a console gamer this problem would be much easier to fix...
  4. Thisnamesucks

    PS5 My character and map progress keeps getting deleted when I load in

    I play on a PS5, and wanted to play the new journey mode that Re-Logic had released, and after a dozen or so hours, all of my researched items, map progress, and inventory were deleted. I tried again and a couple dozen more hours later the same thing happens again, but now I just can't use her...
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