Terraria Community Forums

CraftedNightmare Here!
CraftedNightmare Here!
So, saying it on her profile is a secret?
Rough Draft
Rough Draft
More importantly, do people actually go out of their way to chop down loads of trees for a little extra cash when non-diamond gems can be worth 1 gold each and bunny, goldfish, and bird statues are money generators, both at the same stage of progression as being able to produce loads of weapon racks?
CraftedNightmare Here!
CraftedNightmare Here!
Silt isn't renewable. Wood is
Funny thing, the only wood I’d ever obtain in amounts where I would do that is spooky wood :v
It's good money early game, yet at the same time is completely lackluster in terms of satisfaction and excitement. Not to mention you don't need that much money that early in the game. I rather play the game and get coins from chests/pots and mobs while exploring the world instead of chopping trees repeatedly.
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