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I can tell for sure, you have a lot of similarities to me; yet our nurtures are almost completely different. Yours is falling apart, while mine is someone relatively stable; and yet you're supposed to get paid 1.2k/month for books, and I make the most of £10/month.

I've met this kind of person before; just not to an extent where interests are similar.
Well, that might be the case. By nurtures you mean my education or my wealth? I guess I can interpret on these contexts, however I leaning more towards the wealth. But then again, you mentioned "someone"
A mixture of both. Our education in upbringing seems pretty similar; intense from the start of childhood.

In this case, I'll compare my strongest subject at the time, mathematics. At the age of three, I could be considered with the mathematical knowledge similar to an eight-year old.
I am most interested at this moment on History, Psychology and it's many areas, Psychiatry, Theology and other human studies. We both have Asperger's Syndrome, if I am correct. You seem to have developed mathematical skills, though. I can say my education on mathematics wasn't acceptable.
1) You are correct with the medical conditions. Minor or not, we still have the same condition.
2) If you're interested in the areas I excel most in; it's in Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, and Music.
I am interested on 4/5 of those areas, you can guess which. However I consider you a very good friend already. A person I could talk to a lot. But a difference is that I developed Schizofrenia and other disorders on my youth, mainly due to the terrible interactions between my father and mother and genetical charge.
I've not generated any other conditions apart from a massive dose of pessimism and realization that I need to work harder to reach my goals.

Only problem is, the past three schools I were in weren't the best; the first two were OK, while the third was irritating as the class could no longer be controlled with such numbers of pupils. These schools also merged in the last year I was in the third.
The 3 years of school I had recently were the best of my life if you took out the fellow students. I too feel like I should work harder and harder, and push myself beyond my biological limits many times. However, I am highly unconfortable with my person, as I constantly think of myself as lowly as possible.
The years in my new school have been incredible; but because of how good the teaching has been in comparison to the last school, I'll have to work at a faster pace to increment how much I know and therefore exceed to a higher level than ever before. Only annoying thing I found out today was; there happened to be a test which got constantly delayed to next week for 7 weeks and then was canceled.
May I ask why do you think my education is falling apart? The crisis I am having is more something related to legal issues, but not educational nor financial. However, it is true I am not in school. That's because school starts next Tuesday.
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