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Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
Because we can actually question our existence proves that we do exist in some form.

Now with the whole one thing has to come from another, yes that's a very logical statement. However, if you say logic doesn't exist, then the universe technically doesn't have to come from something, or its maker/origin point doesn't have to come from something.
Nice logic you've got there. Too bad it's irrelevant. Yes, my logic is too, but in a world without logic, it's possible that we are both in a state of existence and non existence at the same time, because there is not only nothing to prevent us from existing, but also nothing to prevent us from not existing. Like a Schrodinger cat situation. The logic may be irrelevant, but it's also the best way of understanding it.
I'm going to sit here pretending I've solved the double slit experiment now.
Also, you're remark about it not having to come from something due to logic not existing is exactly my point. That's what I was getting at.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
No, existing takes energy. There is something preventing us from not existing, and that is energy.
But in a world where logic doesn't exist, we wouldn't need energy to exist or not exist. You could essentially say that all of reality is an illusion, but that wouldn't exactly be accurate either. You can't apply logic or physics to a world where they don't exist. The removal of logic is what allows for things to exist and not exist at the same time.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
However, since it's quite clear we do indeed exist, we can assume there is logic as well. If there was no logic, the fabrics of reality wouldn't really... work. Everything is math, science. There's a reason that things function. The universe isn't different.

There's a reason why philosophers don't visit this too much, it's very simple
I think this qualifies as one subject that is impossible to debate, since debate requires logic. We perceive our surroundings, therefore it is easy to say we exist. Without logic or physics, literally anything can function, and everything is true, false, something inbetween, and none and all of the above. Therefore, we display the symptoms of existence, with the full possibility that we actually do not.
More accurately, we do exist, don't exist, sort of exist, and none of those and all of those.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
As I said: we can question our own existence, therefore, we do exist. Baby steps.
That's a logical line of thinking, but if logic does not exist, it's completely irrelevant, completely relevant, in between and none and all of those. I've been driving myself insane with this. It's impossible and also completely feasible to apply logic to it at the same time. Basically, I'm saying we may exist in every state of existence and non existence all at once.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
Logic does exist because we can use it. It clearly does exist. You can't just say that it doesn't when it is clearly there.
If logic and physics don't exist, then there's nothing preventing it from existing, but at the same time, nothing preventing it from not existing. There would also be no universal law that says that we can't use something that doesn't exist. There's also no law that says it can't be there when it isn't. I fully believe it's impossible to make a fair argument for or against this.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
There is something that would prevent logic and physics from existing. And that's nothing. As in, if there was nothing, they wouldn't exist. There would be no need for them to exist. But clearly, we do exist. We are self aware.
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. In a world of true nothingness, due to the lack of laws of anything, it is naturally possible for anything to happen or exist, including us the way we are right now, but it also means that it is possible for a law to exist that says we cannot exist at all. without logic to apply, we cannot say that either would override the other, so we would exist and not exist.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
No, I understand perfectly, it's just since there is logic in this world, what you're saying doesn't really apply to this plane of reality
It's a little more complex than that, though. There are infinite other laws that could exist and infinite other laws that could override them, and infinite other laws that say they couldn't. therefore, everything possible and impossible exists according to my theory.
You ninja'd me. Anyway, that's why I said it's impossible to make a fair argument either way. There is nothing to say that the existence of logic overrides the non existence of logic, or vice versa. Besides, nobody can say for sure that logic exists. They can say that they've observed it, but it's impossible to know if the observations were skewed by an unobservable factor.
Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
I'd imagine we'd all be dead if existence bleeped out for a few seconds every once in awhile due to the illogical... things from overriding the logical ones. Even though that can't happen if we're experiencing some type of logic anyway.
But at the same time, though, some law somewhere, in fact, infinite of them, are saying that that can happen without any repercussions at all. Besides, the universe isn't blinking out of existence for any period of time. According to this theory, it never existed at all, but at the same time, it did. According to this theory, everything and every law of logic contradicts itself (and also doesn't.)
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