Terraria Community Forums

Why do you feel like that, though? Is anything wrong?
Star and Moon
Star and Moon
I guess I'm still kind of weirded out by one of my friendships going sour. We both made mistakes, however the other person refused to believe they messed up, and yet the more I think about it the more everything becomes their fault. I used to think they were such a good person, but yet they've proven to me that they aren't that person, and, well, it's destroyed a lot of my faith in humanity.
They are a bad person, but doesn't mean everyone else is. Give yourself time to heal. The world is a complex place.
Star and Moon
Star and Moon
Yeah, it's probably just a phase I'm going through.
Don't worry too much about it. Just give yourself time, relax, have fun and do something you like. It's likely to help and make you heal better over this circunstances.
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