Terraria Community Forums

Mystic Neon Rain
Mystic Neon Rain
Frick this is so good #CielOfApproval #DemOldMemesThough
The face is perfect as far as I can tell--what stands out to me the most are how striking yet still very realistic the eyes look, as well as how great the cheekbones look--not too close to the ear or too far away.
Mystic Neon Rain
Mystic Neon Rain
I'm not sure if you used a ref for this or not, but I'd recommend adding more contrast for the shadows, especially in the dress as it fades into the background a bit too much. It also makes the shadow on the elbow look a bit weird; if there was more contrast, I think the elbow would look fine with the shadow, but as it is, it's a bit too dark compared to the rest.
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