Terraria Community Forums

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ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fWIhnqwCWs Okay, long story, so sit back and relax. So, approximately a week and a half after your hiatus from TCF, on February 12th, something remarkable happened. It was like any other day until somebody @TTSp00k the Invincible decided to change his avatar to Jetstream's, and claimed that he was him. (cont.)
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
This trend spiraled out of control and eventually gained massive traction; dozens of people of people decided to go along with the trend and also use the same avatar, except they would add their own little tweak to them. Some would even change their usernames for the fun of it. (cont.)
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
And being Jetstream's friend, I worked really hard to keep this massive uproar going by photoshopping people's faces onto their original avatar, recruiting one community member at a time. This became so much of a big deal that we eventually reached 70 ~ish Jetstreams and even got Doylee, one of the moderators, to do the same. (cont.)
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
It was quite an incredible feeling, seeing the forums energized once again after its slumber. However, it started dying after a week or so. And this is the part where I break the bad news to you. Jetstream has left us, leaving us clueless of when he will return. (cont.)
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
After seeing how his childhood game, Club Penguin was to be suspended, he broke into an emotional catharsis and it was painful, seeing how such a small matter could mean so much to him. He was going to leave earlier, I presume, however this event got in between and got him to stay a while longer. (cont.)
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