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*gives alert* <3

Ive had insomnia all my known life. It pretty much just goes "lie down, close eyes, have your brain go nuts, eventually wake up sometime the next day"
I grew out of it somehow :u lucky me i guess, of course that could be my odd inability to keep track of time in any situation
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
@Devalaous neihehe! ty. c:

@Dameon Wind-Rider for me, it doesn't have anything to do with being aware of time. not even thinking too much. i just can't sleep, plain and simple. no clue why, just how it is. XD
thats really sucky :eek:
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
more or less. i'm leaning towards more but, what do i know?
I think im just a creature of the night. I tend to sleep easier in the day. Not much more mind you, but I do seem to doze off in the day much easier.

*stalking your profile at 4:57 am because sleep isnt a thing*
its 10 am here so this is completely normal haha
I'll probably just, not sleep today. Working on the final update on one of TS3 stories, the one that honours a few TCF and Relogic people, might as well use this time productively.
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
i've slept about 12 hours in the last week. i can't even have a schedule anymore. i just sleep whenever i might be able to. XD
I used to do that. I try to give myself a hard cap of 3 am, I stash my laptop under my bed then and try to sleep, usually for hours on end, and eventually wake up sometime the next day

But I keep breaking the rule :(
if this helps any, last time i had insomnia, i got real mad at myself and sleep deprived myself for a week, no insomnia since, but not i suffer from sleep spells, better in my opinion
Midnight Heart
Midnight Heart
i don't have anything on or use anything when i'm in bed. i just lay there for 6-12 hours and finally give up and get out of bed. then occasionally i'll crash from exhaustion and be ind bed for 1+ days. i manage to sleep 1/2 to 3/4 of that time when it happens.

i guess i forgot to put points into sleeping when i was assigning my skill points. XD
endurance +9003
I totally took that first sentence the wrong way >_>

The best part is when non-insomniacs refuse to try to understand that we just cant doze off in seconds. No amount of exercise or boredom or whatever dumb suggestion is generally going to work; we are different to them, the same rules dont apply. Hell, I am physically immune to sleeping pills.
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