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Alamandra Vonn Pravus
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
well that's my llife too
it's a small world after all
Tbf, maybe I cursed Mansun and not the other way 'round.

After all, I was born in April '98. It wasn't until Six came out from the band in September of that very same year that everybody went - 'The Hell is this rolling-face-on-keyboard bumbaclot?!' Either way damn, didn't even hold-up solid for a half year.
tbh most bands that aren't popular in the first place (e.g x-factor winner) tend to do pretty bad, or fall into obscurity after a while
Nah, in this case Mansun did a James Joyce. Like, their first album was a bit weird but it was ingenious as well. Bottom line, it was good.

Then they were like - 'Oh, so the mainstream actually liked that?! Ha! Well try this!' And threw down an album (and a half) of absolute gibberish, same with James Joyce trolling with Finnegans Wake. Everyone responded by not buying the album. Doneso.
ah, so I see.
movies tend to do that too
Music industry's pretty all over the place right now. I'd say it is a better affair than it used to be, there's many more talented acts earning a living - albeit usually a pretty unglamourous one - and the quality control on tracks is a lot higher courtesy of downloads. You can't get away with 3 good tracks and a pile of :red:e anymore.
Music journalism's full of a bunch of bozos, though. One of my favourite bands, Fenech-Soler, had a pretty good debut album, an even better sophomore album, and another solid album from the third. However, they got trashed by the media especially on the third album...
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