Terraria Community Forums

...wait, really?
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
Yeah. If you stop to really think about what you're doing in other shooters online, nothing you do makes any sense and you end up with questions like "what are we even fighting over" or "how do I keep respawning".

In Splatoon though, it's explained by turf war being a sport that you compete in. You aren't fighting to get an arbitrary amount of kills, the winner is whoever covers the most ground by the end.
...yeah, makes sense. How is respawning explained?
I feel like Team Fortress 2 just makes an outright joke about the teams fighting as its canon that they're fighting over literally nothing but a whole lot of useless land and worthless gravel. XD
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
I guess they never outright state how it works, but obviously it's a part of the sport itself. It's not just a thing that happens, there's a special machine and area of the map dedicated to it.
Neat-o! I haven't played online Splatoon before, so thanks for telling me?
Don't you actually technically fight a respawn point in the singleplayer portion of Splatoon 2 as a boss?
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
Oh yeah, one of the bosses has their own respawn point, and spatting them allows you to attack it.
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