Terraria Community Forums

The World Over Heaven
The World Over Heaven
You have good taste.
Green Rango
Green Rango
pshaw dark souls 3 more like blood souls the third am i right
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
more like lag souls tres, i cant even stay at 50 fps conatantly but still good game 10/10, would use the collapse emote again
Green Rango
Green Rango
nah fam, it's all about that point down
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
im not a bully, im depressed
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
or should i say

hahahahahahahahahahHAHAHHAAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHA im a dark souls npc now so i laugh every 3 seconds HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Green Rango
Green Rango

i t g i v e s m e c o n n i p t i o n s
The World Over Heaven
The World Over Heaven
Carthus Curved Sword
Green Rango
Green Rango
Pshaw, make that TWO carthus curved swords!
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
pffffshfshfshoooo, make that an estoc
Green Rango
Green Rango
A Carthus, Estoc, and a Darkmoon Greatsword! AHA!
Green Rango
Green Rango
it's the moonlight greatsword's edgy brother.
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
no no no
make that

undead hunter charm
Green Rango
Green Rango



"oh no"
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
and to finish things up, broken straight sword + 5
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