Terraria Community Forums

MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
...yeah, I couldn't bring myself to do that.
ChaoticFlame 多情
ChaoticFlame 多情
Yeah, I heard that it was absolute :red:. How do you feel about Pacific Rim: Uprising?
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
The first movie was pretty great and the trailer looked awesome, so I'm looking forward to it.
my guess is that the movie was garbled fear-mongering, yeah?
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
There was a bit of that, yeah. The plot revolved around this one politician who wanted to use the weather-controlling machine to kill all the election candidates so that he would become president. And no, it's even more stupid than it sounds.
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