Terraria Community Forums

Fortanono 🌳
Fortanono 🌳
(2/3) Re-Logic's said they're not improving the class anyway, and that it'll stay pre-Hardmode. And I would think the best course of action then would be to remove it entirely, if they aren't fixing it. They're rebalancing a lot of weapons apparently in 1.3.6, so this'll likely get cut.
Fortanono 🌳
Fortanono 🌳
(3/3) Honestly it's likely that the thought process behind thrower went like this: Underground desert -> Need new desert gear -> We want a new armor set. Second ranged armor? -> I know. Let's focus it on the throwing weapons, like the Meteor set has the Space Gun. -> We can't increase the damage of it without creating a new damage class. Throwing class created.
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