Terraria Community Forums

I don’t have a pet
Mushy Chlorophyte
Mushy Chlorophyte
(A cockatiel)
Why do you think that we want to kill you?
Why do you keep gumming every single thing (the laptop, my sister's glasses, my nails and skin)?
Why do you fly to the curtains whenever we try to teach you how to step up?
Why do you like me and hate me at the same time?(literally sometimes he hates it when I pet it then he hates it when I stop petting him)
(To my other dog) why do you jump on everyone while trying to find birds?(she jumps on me soooo much from that)
(To both of them) why do you bark every single time one of us open the front door?
Akira Nishikiyama
Akira Nishikiyama
1. Who's a good boy?
2. Where the :red: are you getting them bones?
3. What do you want to do today?
I would ask my captive pineapple prisoner of war:
how many men do you have,
how many vehicles do you have,
how many bites would it take for me to eat yoou
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