Terraria Community Forums

I did the math, if you spun it from the other side, the last gear from the edge of the gear (assuming the diameter is 6 cm(pulled it out of my :red:) and is spinning at one rpm(one rotation a minute)), it would be going 3335640951981520000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times the speed of light
, putting that in prespective the observable universe is 93,016,000,000 lightyears wide. it would take that last gear 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000087939697032 seconds to cross it, and I cant even think of a way to fit that into an even mor emanagble size considering humans cant really comprehend the MERE SCALE OF WHAT THE :red: THIS IS.
if I made my assumptions any bigger I would have a hard time fitting this into a post. you might be wondering, why isnt the fabric of the universe broken in the hands of this man? because in gear ratios speed and torque are proportional.
NO I WILL NOT BOTHER TO DO THAT MATH. lets just say this things never budging no matter what kind of fantastical bull:red: you try to pull. even if friction decided to disapear that wouldnt change the story
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