Terraria Community Forums

Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
I'm only to change mine for temporary it's going to be back to someone that needs help
Honestly, I don't think stopping people from changing their forum names is a good idea, as sometimes people just want a little change in their lives... But there should at least be an option that allows you to view someone's previous nicknames (unless they block it in privacy settings). You can figure out who's who through searching older posts, but... Ugh, is it annoying to do so...
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
They used to have that but I forgot what happened and why they took it out
and by that I mean mostly Blood Bringer (A Universal Devourer as far as I can trace), Tornicus(Maaaaaaaaango), poptarts(yoop90), Dark Sunshine (Dragonfirestaken), and Azzouru(Kitnight). They feels like a completely different person after the name change!
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
Wow I wasn't on that list and I kind of feel the same way except someone that needs help needed a break and so Naruto took over for a month
Well, that's because... People do change. I also didn't have Magicasquirrel as my nickname for my entire life, but I did find and stick with it eventually. The others change their names because they themselves change, even if just a little bit, and a new name perhaps helps them feel like it.
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
I just did it because stnh need sa break, he told me himself
I don’t see anything wrong with changing your name, this is far from the only username I use and I have changed usernames on different websites times in the past. I just wish that if the names weren’t similar, they would tell people who they are.
As I said, I wish that there are a way to see previous nicknames on people's profiles.
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
Ik but for reasons they had to take it out
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