Terraria Community Forums

Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
How do you want to be portrayed as a character?
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
Well, I made this
It’a kinda like me but with not as long hair and without the Ciggarette
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Would you like to be drawn as a head or bust? Full body is unfortunately only available to quadrupedal characters.
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
Bust, like almost everyone elses
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Is the image you previded for me to reference or to trace?
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
What name do you want to go by on the image? "CasuallyChillin’" is a bit too long.
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
Um… I’ll go by Cas
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
How does this picture look?

Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
Maybe don't make it looks so much like a deranged lunatic
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
Eternal Thrýlos 🐿️
No I'm kidding, how's this?

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