Terraria Community Forums

Don't run out of mobile data, plus why the hell are they going that far? Don't you know that people have rights to use things?
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Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
Welp looks like we lost cherry
Lapis Lazuli', if what you proposed occurred, would not Cherry_chan be all the worse off for it? Being without bandwidth is an acceptable state; it may be recovered. Potentially becoming an orphan, however, has an unlimited termination date. If you, of course, do not wish death upon them, I ask, why wish some evil to befall them at all, if you would not wish the greatest natural evil upon them?
After all, you may obtain your wish, and more besides. A sickness could become fatal, and so could lasting complications from an accident.

To end, think of Cherry_chan. As Cherry_chan is a dependent, if something negative were to happen to her guardians, she would be negatively impacted as well, would she not?
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
With what adalicia is saying the parents provide and care for cherry if someone were to happen to Cherry's parents how do you think she would feel
Its okay, Cherry. We'll see you at the end of this debacle!

And guys? Try not to wish ill-will towards her parents. They're just doing their best to try and help her, even if it is misguided. Just send thoughts and prayers that everything will work out, and her parents will come to reason.
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
Also a break from electronics isn't always a bad thing
That is correct, Someone that needs help. Cherry_chan is likely only to suffer as a result of her parents suffering.
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
I'm sorry
I ) (ad an absolutely ) (orrible day yesterday, I'm sorry guys
Sorry Cherry, I didn't mean it like that
Someone that needs help
Someone that needs help
What's with the parenthesis
Admiral Voidzuli'
Admiral Voidzuli'
T) (e parent) (aces are for my 'H'
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