Terraria Community Forums

Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
I see that sad reaction Esther, and I ain't havings anyone be sad. So take this
Throat must be pretty sore by now.
But yeah, power outages are a massive fudging pain. :mad:
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
I mean, he  chose to scream that long. I doubt a bird capable of resurrecting things would be that dumb
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
And don't worry, things are aight. I got mildly burnt cookies to endure this
We have like three power outages a day, here. Usually for about two hours each.
Wahoo / Stuph 🪓
Wahoo / Stuph 🪓
the 10 stages of black our stopping video game

:mad:, :mad:, ;(, ;(, ;(, ;(, ;(,:mad:,:mad:,:eek:.
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
If I see one more person use the sad react, I will personally throw everyone at drywall, and then myself multiple times.
Galaxy Guy
Galaxy Guy
i dare you
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
Shovel 4: Tool's Revenge!
I am rapidly approaching
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