Terraria Community Forums

Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Sky temple or some kinda sky structure would be cool
Warm Water
Warm Water
that would be somewhat harder to get implemented into the game, but maybe
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Hell even something like what calamity did just balls of minerals floating
Actually sky/space boss
Warm Water
Warm Water
try to keep it something that could logically be included in 1.4.5
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Ik sowwy am pretty dum
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
Jessica Hyde [CiM]🌳
New enemies or smthn...space themed items?
Oo weapons that gain power in space and sky!
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